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SCHS Library offers remote access to awesome resources! Visit Research and Resources pages for material to support your coursework. Watch theses instructional video tutorials if you need help using any of them!
Check out the Santa Cruz Public Library for additional resources -- including access to eBooks through SORA via our Google accounts. Email Veronica the librarian for help with any of this! [email protected]
Check out all the great materials, resources, and services the library provides students and teachers!
Regular materials circulate for three weeks
HOURS: 8:00 a.m. -- 3:40 p.m., M., T., Th., & F. minimum day Wednesdays when we close at 1:55 STAFF: Veronica Zaleha, Certified Teacher Librarian Sierra Byrd, Library Media Assistant Jillian Lamb, Textbook Clerk Ask us if you need help with anything in the library!